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Import NOVA export to Premiere Pro

Import EDL to Premiere Pro

Open your PremierePro project.

Click File -> Import, or simply drag and drop your exported EDL file from your computer.

Set your project's framerate

Set your timeline's framerate

Open the imported folder and double click on your timeline.

You will find all the clips you selected from Nova on your timeline.
At the moment they are all offline.

You need to relink the clips to your original media.
Select all the clips on your timeline and right click on them.
Select Link media from your menu.

Find your original footage on your computer and click Link media.

Now all your clips are linked and on your timeline with handles - Ready to be worked with!

Still unsure? Send us a message in the chat and we'll respond as quickly as possible (usually within a few minutes)

Updated on: 09/02/2021

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