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Export to Premiere Pro

Export to Premiere Pro

Pick the labels you want to export. They are now in your "Selected" tab. If you are happy with your chosen labels, click the "Add to export" button.

The labels are now added to your export and you can see them at the bottom of the page. Click on the little arrow on the right to expand the tab, to check your selection. Remove any of the labels you don't want anyway by clicking the x.

Once you are fully happy with your selection, click the button "Export to Premiere Pro. This will take you to a settings page for your EDL file.

Set your project framerate to match with your Premiere Pro's project.

Give any name to your timeline. This will be the name of your timeline when you import your EDL file into your Premiere Pro.

You can choose to merge moments into one clip if they are found within a set time period.

Choose whether to have an EDL for every label or every video.

Set your original video's starting timecode. The number you write here is the starting timecode of your video.

Once all is set, click the "Export" button and save your EDL file to your computer.

Still unsure? Send us a message in the chat and we'll respond as quickly as possible (usually within a few minutes)

Updated on: 09/02/2021

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